Degree / Designations: P.ENG, LEED

HVAC Design  
Project Management   Educational Facilities  Healthcare Facilities


  • Isfahan University of Technology
    Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering    University of Toronto PMP
  • Building Environmental Design  Plumbing & Fire Protection
    Seneca College, Toronto 
  • Memberships and Associations
    Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)  Licensed Professional Engineer 
  • Certificate of Authorization
    BCIN certification for “All Buildings”  systems and Legal LEED GA Accreditation

Bijan Homayouni, founder of BMIengineeringInc, has over 34 years of
experience in MechanicalEngineering;Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning
(HVAC)design, PlumbingandFire protection, Building Automation Systems 
(BAS), Commissioning, as well as extensive experiencesin construction Project Management.
Bijantruly understand client needs, and respond to them with speed, accuracy, and sensitivity. Below is a summary of his education, accreditations and
relevant project experience.

Relevant Project Experience

York University; York Glendon Campus Addition
York University, Life Science New Building
McMasterUniversity;DeGroute Building, NewCampus
McMasterUniversity; WilsonHall Building, New BuildingUniversity ofGuelph  Humber;NewBuilding
CentennialCollege; Classrooms andOfficesRenovation, HVACUpgradeUniversityof Toronto; SimcoeHall Building-SouthOffices Renovation
Universityof Toronto, TrinityCollege; Kitchen Upgrade 
Morethan 100HVACUpgrades in TDSB’s schools

Osgood Halllaw School-Mater Plan–Major Renovation(3phases)  Law SocietyofUpper Canada, OfficesRenovation
West BlockRevitalization Project, Ottawa,ON
The Theatre Centre; Major Building Renovation andHVACupgrade
City of Brampton;Heating &Cooling PlantsUpgrade
Living ArtsCentreHVACCommissioning, Mississauga, Ontario  SouthdownInstitute;NewBuilding, Toronto,Ontario
FenbrookInstitutemedium Security, Gravenhurst,Ontario

Southlake Long Term Care,5thFloorRenovations
ChamranHeart Hospital 300beds,Iran
HarsinGeneralHospital, 96 beds,Iran
Isfahan PharmaceuticalCollege, 96 beds,Iran
KermanshahiChildren’s SpecialtyHospital, 96 beds, IranKomeinishahrGeneralHospital, 96 beds, Iran
ShahinshahrGeneralHospital, 96 bedsIran
YasoojeGeneralHospital, 96 bedsIran
AccucapsWindsor; Pilot Plan
Accucapsstrathroy;OTCManufacturingAccucapsWindsor;High Containment